But slowly, things started to happen. We finally contacted a plumber, who performed bathroom magic--fixing the three leaks and the constant toilet flushing, and finally installing a heater for the shower.
Soon, the painter and his assistant came, and transformed the doors from grimy white to dark chocolate, and the walls from canary yellow to cream blush (I swear; it looked plain cream at the hardware store. The paint turned out to have a pink tinge). They also installed kitchen cabinets and mounted the microwave oven.
But while they were working, the entire first floor looked like a warzone.
And all I kept thinking was: how the hell are we going to put everything in order?? A.K.A. How can we live again? (I was being dramatic.)
Luckily, two days later, an angel came in the form of Ate Lita, who scrubbed, wiped and swept everything clean. And I swear, my cleaning attempts were nothing compared to her housekeeping prowess. I guess I just don't have the cleaning talent; the hours I spent on trying to keep the 1960s floor clean amounted to almost nothing. Ate Lita managed to make the floor shine! Shining with pride, I suppose. It was the first time I've seen the floor do such a thing.
And corn yellow for the bedroom. And yes, we now have a bed frame, installed just the other day.
Life is good.
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